Cirrascale can help you identify and eliminate those aspects of your ADAS/AV
workflows that hinder your ability to fully accelerate your production and training model times.
Autonomous vehicle developers use various workflows to create their perception, planning, and control models. These workflows typically involve collecting, processing, and storing a massive amount of data so that data scientists can build data sets for training and validating their models. As these workflows are utilized, customers begin to experience the inability to fully utilize their given resources due to bottlenecks. Typically, these bottlenecks appear in the form of not being able to keep their GPUs feed. In turn, training slows and time is wasted both by the systems themselves, and the researchers trying to validate those models.
Larger cloud providers do one thing really well... hyperscale. However, what they can't do well is handle Autonomous Vehicle infrastructure efficiently. It takes a more custom tailored approach to remove the bottlenecks and get the full performance needed. This is why Cirrascale Cloud Services chose to concentrate its efforts on ensuring the growing Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS market had solutions in place that could effectively handle these workflows.
Additionally, our cloud is structured differently so you never experience hidden fees. All of the large providers squeeze you with extra fees and charges to get your data out of their storage clouds. WE DON’T! Those charges add up fast, and once you start placing your data with them, you feel locked-in because to get the data out it would cost too much. You won’t get that with us as we don’t charge any ingress or egress fees on data.
Why wait? Experience the right Autonomous Driving storage and compute services for your autonomous driving applications.
SIGN UPThe large cloud providers are unable to provide multi-tiered storage solutions that are optimized for Autonomous Vehicle workflows so that GPU training, simulation and re-simulation servers are fully utilized and never throttle. Their storage solutions are built to handle generic workloads, and aren't fast enough to handle the amount and type of data that comes from Autonomous Vehicles. Cirrascale provides Autonomous Vehicle storage solutions that get the job done.
Experience a true bare-metal experience with our multi-GPU compute servers designed with flexibility in mind. Cirrascale provides the largest variety of NVIDIA Quadro and Tesla GPUs to ensure your models train at the fastest speeds. We configure the servers to meet you customized needs within your Autonomous Vehicle workflows.
Need 20 servers connected together via 100GbE or InfiniBand? How about 200? Our customers have told us that the large cloud providers just can’t deliver it. They struggle with any type of scale when it comes to networking where we have the ability to be flexible and provide fast server interconnects that scale and keep your servers communicating at top speeds.
Our Autonomous Vehicle cloud solutions are structured differently so you never experience hidden fees. All of the large providers squeeze you with extra fees and charges to get your data out of their storage clouds. WE DON’T! Those charges add up fast, and we’ve seen customers walk away from their data having to leave it behind because the fees were so high. You won’t get that with us as we don’t charge any ingress or egress fees on data.
Cirrascale Cloud Services has worked with various autonomous vehicle companies in helping to implement better solutions to handle their various workflows. Download and read this guide to see the solutions Cirrascale offers for AV workflows.
Tap in to the NVIDIA Developer News Center and look at blog entries and news articles written specifically about autonomous driving and transportation. Read, comment, and share with your colleagues all the latest news and information.
Accelerated computing has revolutionized a broad range of industries with over five hundred applications optimized for GPUs to help you accelerate your work. Download the NVIDIA GPU-Accelerated Applications Catalog to see if your application is GPU accelerated and perfect for our multi-GPU cloud.