H2O Driverless AI with IBM Power 9

Cirrascale Cloud Services is partnering with H2O and IBM to offer a free trial week of multi-GPU cloud services on IBM Power 9 servers to test drive H2O Driverless AI. Companies can use Driverless AI to accelerate machine learning insights by up to 5X on IBM POWER9 processor-based Power Systems. You can learn more about the features and benefits below, as well as sign up to qualify for a free trial to test drive this revolutionary machine learning platform to create AI driven products and services.

Key Benefits of H2O Driverless AI

Delivering AI at Scale

Businesses everywhere have realized that their unique data is key to competitive success and now want to put that their data to work with AI. To scale, data science teams need to adopt new tools and techniques that will allow them to get better results and quickly deliver more insights to the business.

Faster AI Development

H2O Driverless AI is optimized to run with GPU acceleration and automates key portions of the data science process including feature engineering and parameter tuning to dramatically reduce the time needed to produce accurate models increasing the business impact of AI.

Forecast Sales, Predict Failures & More

With the time series capability in Driverless AI, H2O.ai directly addresses some of the most pressing concerns of organizations across industries such as transactional data in capital markets, in retail to track in-store and online sales, and in manufacturing with sensor data to improve supply chain or predictive maintenance.

Trusted AI Results

Delivering machine learning results your business can trust is a key goal of data science teams. H2O Driverless AI delivers highly accurate models with machine interpretability that help explain how models work. Delivering trusted and transparent results increases AI adoption and hekps companies comply with government regulations.

Easy AI Deployment

Models can take weeks or months to reach production and may be modified to work with production systems. H2O Driverless AI creates ultra-low latency automatic scoring pipelines and supports training, testing and model versioning so that data science and business teams can work together to bring models from data science to production in minutes.

Revolutionary Cloud Services

Cirrascale offers flat-rate weekly and monthly billing so you know what you are going to pay upfront (no supplemental bills). We stay away from charging ingress or egress fees on data. These are dedicated servers, no virtualization, so you get ALL THE RESOURCES you pay for. We also offer multi-month and volume discounts helping you save even more.

Interested in a FREE TRIAL?

The AI transformation is underway, and the demands for AI strategies are increasing in the enterprise. IBM and H2O.ai have created a global strategic partnership to enable customers across all industries to harness the full potential of AI in their businesses. With H2O Driverless AI running on IBM Power 9 with built-in GPUs, data science teams can accelerate their use of AI to meet the growing business needs for AI driven products and services, essentially delivering an experienced "data scientist in a box."

If you would like to see if you qualify for this free one week trial to test H2O Driverless AI on IBM Power, complete the form to the right and we'll touch base with you within 48 hours to schedule you for your test drive. Systems are limited, so it is first come, first served, but we'll do everything we can to help you get started quickly.

Sign Up to Get Started!